

Latest Past Events

The Festival of Souls – the 3rd edition of Life Health Mystery Expo

Unirea Shopping City Bucuresti

15-16-17 November 2024  Bucharest, Unirea Commercial Center (Calarasi wing) Discover a fascinating world dedicated to health and inner balance! Specialists will be waiting for you who will reveal secrets to a harmonious life, innovative solutions for health and a lot of surprises. Enjoy an experience full of inspiration and positive energy with people who are […]

Festivalul Sufletelor – cea de-a 3-a ediție a
Viata Sanatate Mister Expo

Unirea Shopping City Bucuresti

15-16-17 noiembrie 2024  Bucuresti, Unirea Shopping Center (aripa Calarasi) Participă la Viață Sănătate Mister Expo și descoperă profunzimea unui stil de viață echilibrat. Specialiști dedicați și soluții inovatoare te vor ghida spre armonie interioară și bunăstare. O experiență care îți poate transforma nu doar obiceiurile, ci și perspectiva asupra vieții.

Life Health Mister EXPO Edition – II –

After the success of the first edition, we are pleased to invite you to participate as an exhibitor/speaker in the second edition of Viață Sănătate Mister Expo, which will take place between September 20-22, 2024! The exhibition will also include networking sessions, hands-on workshops and live demonstrations for guests.